Talk to your passed

beloved ones with

We know what it is like to loose someone beloved.

That is why we try to bring those missing back to you.


We use the latest innovations in AI to make this possible.


With you can talk to your beloved ones, who have passed away, keeping their memory alive and stay connected.



A lot of times we did not have or missed the chance to say or ask something that was important. So say it now!


To make your beloved one talk as real as possible, please provide some memories:


Voice: describe or upload a sample

Family members






Music, Movies, Promt:
Act in behalf of. 

mood: gefühlvoll, tröstend, happy


1. Physical Traits

“How would you describe their appearance? Any unique features that make them stand out?”

“Do they have a signature style or way of dressing?”

“What’s a typical expression or gesture they often use?”

2. Personality Traits

“How would you describe their personality in a few words?”

“What values or beliefs are important to them?”

“Do they have any quirky habits or mannerisms?”

“What are some of their unique strengths or flaws?”

3. Motivation and Goals

“What are they passionate about or deeply interested in?”

“Do they have specific goals, dreams, or things they work toward?”

“What keeps them motivated or energized?”

4. Backstory and Experiences

“What are some meaningful experiences or stories from their past?”

“How have their life experiences shaped who they are?”

“Are there any close relationships that really define their life?”

5. Speech and Dialogue Style

“How would you describe their voice? (e.g., soft, loud, expressive)”

“What phrases or words do they use often?”

“Do they have a unique way of speaking, like an accent or specific tone?”

6. Actions and Decisions

“How do they typically act when they’re happy or excited?”

“What do they do when faced with a tough choice?”

“How do they treat others around them?”

7. Growth and Development

“Have you seen them grow or change over time? How so?”

“What would you say is one of their biggest achievements or moments of growth?”

“Is there something they’re working to improve or learn?”




Answering those thoughtful questions can help you express, what mades your beloved one special to you.




A lot of times we did not have or missed the chance to say or ask something that was important. So say it now…